Saturday, October 10, 2009

American Indian crochet bears

These two little ones are about 3 1/2 inches tall they are five way jointed and made with crochet thread and seed beads . They are made ( as are all my bears) strictly from my imagination without use of a pattern


I needle felted this shorn Alpaca after coming back from our Colorado Vacation , I saw them there and fell in love , They are beautiful animals. I names this one Alan

Where have I been for two months!

I can hardly believe it has been almost two months since I have been active on my blog , There are just not enough hours in the day . as My friend Lita says " If we could just felt some extra hours .
So much has happened since I was last here . I had a lovely two weeks with my Sister Assumpta who came for some 'sister time ' from Ireland , We had such a lovely time together , which I will treasure for the rest of my life
Bernie and I went to Colorado for the most amazing Vacation in September . Another time to treasure . But the biggest news is mY son David and his was Christine will be adding a new baby to their family in Dcember . Its a girl! As you can imagine I have been baby shopping and crocheting for my first Grandchild .
Lynnette , has been very usy with her art and of course as always I am very proud of her and all she is doing . You can see some of her work here